Research Projects

Research Network Climate Variability

Climate change has caused an increase in droughts and crop failures. An interdisciplinary research team made up of scientists specializing in agriculture, plants, geology, computers, and business and economics has therefore decided to focus on basic research to arm farmers, businesses, and society against these urgent problems. | more

In order to assist the extremely time-consuming basic research to a breakthrough, the University of Hohenheim has submitted an application for funding as an Excellence Cluster in the federal and Länder governments’ Excellence Strategy  (Agricultural Droughts in the Digital Era, AGER)

Projects supported with a particularly high amount of third-party funds are third-party funded research projects. This often includes large consortium projects on which several researchers are working.


An agrivoltaic system combines agricultural and electricity production and can thus mitigate the land-use conflict between food and energy production.


At the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, about 60 young researchers annually earn their doctorate in agricultural sciences (doctor scientiarum agriculturae - Dr. sc. agr.).
