
The habilitation is the accreditation of a special qualification for research and teaching in a specific subject area.

The process

The habilitation is only possible in departments which are part of the University of Hohenheim and in which the right to conduct a doctoral thesis is granted. Through the habilitation, the authorisation to teach (venia legendi) is acquired for a specific subject area. The habilitation entitles the holder to use the title "Privatdozentin" or "Privatdozent". The award of the title is linked to the obligation to teach two semester hours per week (per semester) at the faculty.

Required Achievements

  • a written habilitation thesis (in the form of a classical habilitation thesis or as a cumulative habilitation thesis)
  • proof of pedagogical-didactic aptitude
  • a scientific lecture followed by a discussion in the habilitation committee

All decisions in the habilitation procedure are made by the Habilitation Committee.

Contact: 0711/459-22322 | agrar@uni-hohenheim.de

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Scientific and research activities at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences are carried out by the institutes with their more than 50 departments as well as the Agricultural Experimental Station.


Modern research is mainly carried out in large, often international and interdisciplinary research consortia.
