European Bioeconomy University: Allianz welcomes the EU Commission's biotech initiative  [22.03.24]

Building the future with nature: Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU | University of Hohenheim part of the network of leading European bioeconomy universities

The European Bioeconomy University Alliance – EBU proudly acknowledges and echoes the recent Communication from the Commission: „As advocates for the advancement of the bioeconomy on a European level, we are pleased to see the European Commission recognise the pivotal role these sectors play in shaping the future of the bioeconomy.“ Under the title "Building the future with nature: Boosting Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing in the EU", the Commission is addressing the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions with a communication aimed at promoting biotechnology and biomanufacturing in the EU.

The European Bioeconomy University, an alliance of the eight leading universities in Europe in the field of bioeconomy, welcomes the EU Commission's biotech initiative.

Among others, EBU emphasises the critical importance of leveraging research and boosting innovation by especially investing in joint research opportunities. Nurturing skills by addressing competence gaps within the Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing sectors represents another fundamental aspect for EBU, which can be tackled by strategic partnerships and cooperation with key stakeholders.

Regional Innovation Valleys and educational bioeconomy centres of excellence already lie at the core of EBU's focus. The EBU is relentless in its efforts to bridge the gap between education and the industry sector, fostering meaningful collaborations and ensuring that educational opportunities are aligned with the needs of the bioeconomy industry through bilateral exchanges, facilitating a seamless transition into the industry.

Lastly, EBU is committed to contributing to raising public awareness and increasing public acceptance of biotechnology and biomanufacturing innovations, as well as fostering engagement and international cooperation promoting informed dialogue and engagement among stakeholders.

The Alliance wish to contribute to the aforementioned points serving as a dynamic think tank that contributes to the academic, societal, and political understanding and promotion of bioeconomy.

Background: European Bioeconomy University Alliance (EBU)

Comprising eight esteemed university partners, the EBU Alliance stands at the forefront of bioeconomy education and research in Europe. The partners of the alliance are: (1) Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences – AgroParisTech, France;

(2)        University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna – BOKU, Austria; (3) Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Poland; (4) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU, Sweden; (5) University of Eastern Finland – UEF, Finland; (6) University of Hohenheim – UHOH, Germany; (7) Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna – UniBo, Italy; and (8) Wageningen University & Research – WUR, the Netherlands.

Through collective efforts, the EBU is committed to enhancing the existing and future EU Bioeconomy Strategy by empowering the European knowledge-based bioeconomy through:

•          The education of a new generation of truly European experts;

•          The fostering of rigorous, relevant, and responsible research;

•          The transfer of knowledge into society and the economy.

Text: Greimel (BOKU) / Stuhlemmer

Contact for press:

Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski, University of Hohenheim, Departement of Biobased Ressources in the Bioeconomy
T +49 (0)711 459 22221, E

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